You can market domestic and cross-border capacity products in a single platform through various mechanisms.
For Transmission System Operators
We provide you with a transparent and reliable platform where you can easily carry out your operations.
Connected Markets
42 +
Infrastructure Operators
850 +
Services that get work done easily
So you can have peace of mind, we offer a range of services to assist your business in marketing capacity, engaging with your customer base and meeting your regulatory requirements.
Carry out your activities smoothly
Offer long-term, short-term or non-CAM-calendar products for any period through our auction mechanisms. Marketing your product is possible, either at your own network point, or at a competing node through which other TSOs also operate. All auctions are CAM compliant. Long-term auctions are marketed using an ascending clock auction algorithm and short-term auctions are marketed using a uniform price auction algorithm.
Alternatively, you can quickly and easily offer your available capacity on a first-come-first-served (FCFS) basis.
At any time, you have control over your data, such as network point details, regulated tariff updates, bundles at all points etc.
After the offer closes, you can easily download an aggregated bid list and allocate at your discretion. You can also find details of current and previous offers in the LNG section of our platform.
Manage customers at your discretion
You can access a fully integrated shipper management system, where you can choose with which shippers you want to trade.
Define the necessary registration documents to be provided by shippers and their delivery method. Then, you can access all uploaded documents on the platform.
Get automatic notifications when a shipper requests an assignment with you. Have full control over their assignment status. You can also temporarily or permanently disable them from further trading activities.
Moreover, our two-factor authentication approach guarantees maximum security and data access through a token-based mechanism.
Shape the future of the European gas market
You can get the most out of the operator and shipper network available in PRISMA platform.
Reach shippers not only involved in transit capacity, but also other services like storage without the need to set up and maintain an extra system.
PRISMA also encourages you to join other TSOs and bring the market closer together. Be part of different working groups and participate in discussions on shaping the future of the gas market. This is also a great opportunity to see if other TSOs are interested in cooperating on various topics and joint endeavors.
Assign multiple credit limits to your shippers
You can ensure bookings comply to your internal procedures by assigning credit limits to your shippers.
Credit limit on PRISMA is the maximum outstanding balance you assign to a shipper. Avoid credit exposure risks by setting credit limits for each individual shipper based on their financial credibility. You can also apply them to different product types (auctions, FCFS booking, secondary trading) and frameworks. Update the settings instantly to conveniently manage your customers' buying behavior.
Our platform automatically checks the credit limit before shippers conclude a transaction. If they exceed the set credit limit, they cannot place a bid.
Optimize capacity at interconnection points
You can manage cross border congestion through different mechanisms within our platform, such as reverse auctions, capacity surrender or secondary trading.
Schedule a reverse auction when a grid or a specific zone within the grid is out of balance. In these auctions, shippers commit themselves to a specific amendment of their nomination behavior.
Request shippers for a surrender of capacity at a particular network point at which they have already bought capacity on the platform.
Furthermore, you can also act as a shipper and buy back capacity on the secondary market within the platform.
We take care of your reporting obligations
To help you comply with REMIT reporting obligations, we compile relevant trade data on your behalf and report it to ACER.
Start your journey the right way
We ensure that you are successfully onboarded to the platform so you can get the most out of it.
Our Customers
Our customer list speaks for itself. Serving our customers is a privilege and responsibility that we do not take lightly.
Customer Success
Do you need more information about our services? We have a team of experts constantly working to gain the best understanding of your needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What we do
PRISMA is Europe’s leading gas capacity trading platform. We provide a single platform through which Operators may market gas capacity at both primary and secondary market levels.