You can make your products available through exclusive offers on our platform. All auctions take place as and when you need them.
For Storage System Operators
With our network of shippers across Europe, we provide you the opportunity to access the entire market on one platform.
Connected Markets
42 +
Infrastructure Operators
660 +
Services that make your life easier
Our core services help you achieve your business goals. We integrate continual improvement and a service culture that ensures flexibility and value in the provision of services.
Carry out your activities smoothly
Have maximum flexibility in how you shape your offers, when you publish them and to whom you sell your capacity. Within one offer, you can either sell single units as injection capacity, withdrawal capacity and storage volume, or market your storage in individually defined SBUs (Standard Bundle Unit). Once the offer is created, we inform the market about your offer and keep your shippers up to date. We make sure that they do not miss bidding on your storage capacity and collect all bids for you until the offer window closes. After the offer closes, you can easily download an aggregated bid list and allocate at your discretion. You can also find details of current and previous offers in the storage section of our platform.
Manage customers at your discretion
You can access a fully integrated shipper management system, where you can choose with which shippers you want to trade.
Define the necessary registration documents to be provided by shippers and their delivery method. Then, you can access all uploaded documents on the platform.
Get automatic notifications when a shipper requests an assignment with you. Have full control over their assignment status. You can also temporarily or permanently disable them from further trading activities.
Moreover, our two-factor authentication approach guarantees maximum security and data access through a token-based mechanism.
Manage your company users simply and effectively
You can view and manage all platform users from your company with our admin functionality.
Enable your company users to trade on the platform. View their role, name, email, contact, status and last login date in the User Management screen of your account. Edit user data, upgrade them to an admin role or disable them from further trading activities.You can also export data from the users of your organisation.
Improve your workflow
You can boost your experience with add-on services that fit your trading needs.We work hard to develop new functionalities to improve your experience.

Make allocation more convenient
You can save time and effort in allocating your storage capacity using our automated allocation algorithm.
Keep ahead of automation
An API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to link your system with our platform and automate your trading activities.
Manage booking requests as they come
You can easily offer your storage capacity to the market on a first-come-first-served (FCFS) basis.
Assign multiple credit limits to your shippers
You can ensure bookings comply to your internal procedures by assigning credit limits to your shippers.
Customer Success
Do you need more information about our services? We have a team of experts constantly working to gain the best understanding of your needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What we do
PRISMA is Europe’s leading gas capacity trading platform. We provide a single platform through which Operators may market gas capacity at both primary and secondary market levels.