LNG Operator DET Joins the PRISMA Platform
The LNG Operator Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) is joining the PRISMA Platform. The fully federally owned company operates four LNG terminals on the North Sea Coast. The first auction is expected to take place in October 2023.
Leipzig, July 28, 2023 - PRISMA European Capacity platform is pleased to welcome Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) as a new LNG operator on the PRISMA Platform. The first auction is planned for October 2023. PRISMA will develop and operate the necessary services.
DET, a federal company, operates four state-leased floating LNG terminals located in Wilhelmshaven, Brunsbüttel and Stade. LNG is stored, regasified and finally injected into the gas network through these terminals, contributing to the energy supply security in Germany. Additionally, these terminals serve as essential infrastructure for future imports of renewable and low-carbon gases.
“For the upcoming marketing of our capacities, we have been searching for a partner who is well-connected in the European energy industry and has experience in LNG capacity marketing. We are glad to have found such a partner in PRISMA," says DET Managing Director Dr. Peter Röttgen.
PRISMA's task now is to analyze, assess, and establish the necessary processes to carry out the first marketing campaign for the capacity products offered by DET.
"We are pleased to count DET as another LNG operator among our customers. Achieving stability and energy security for Europe requires diversification of supply sources. PRISMA is glad to contribute to this project even further," explains Götz Lincke, Managing Director of PRISMA.
DET’s first auction is expected to take place in October 2023. Long-term capacity will be offered first, followed by short-term capacity offers. Ahead of the start of marketing, DET is giving potential users an opportunity to outline their regasification requirements through the market survey below by August 11, 2023. We strongly encourage all interested market stakeholders to fill out this questionnaire.
About DET
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the newly established company Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) is to operate and market the floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) established by the state in the German North Sea. These facilities will regasify liquefied natural gas (LNG) and feed it into the German gas grid. DET is responsible for the four FSRUs in Wilhelmshaven, Brunsbüttel and Stade. In addition to the security of energy supplies, the company is committed to the readaptation of the energy infrastructure to renewable, climate-neutral sources of energy.
For more information, visit DET’s website.