Clock Change: Auction Schedule Adjustments
PRISMA announces changes to Within-Day auction schedules due to the clock change on March 30, 2025. Adjust your schedules for seamless participation.
On Sunday, March 30, 2025, clocks will be set forward by one hour at 02:00 CET, transitioning to 03:00 CEST.
Due to this change, adjustments will be made to the standard auction schedule for Within-Day auctions:
March 28, 2025:
The first Within-Day auction for the next gas day, starting at 19:00 CET, will have a shorter product runtime of 23 hours (March 29, 2025, 06:00 CET – March 30, 2025, 06:00 CEST).
Consequently, there will be one fewer auction on this day (23 instead of 24). -
March 29, 2025:
The first Within-Day auction for 24-hour products will be one hour shorter than usual, ending at 01:30 CET before the clock change. As a result, auction results will be received earlier. -
March 29, 2025:
The auction at 22:00 CET will cover the period from March 30, 2025, 03:00 CEST – 06:00 CEST.
The auction at 23:00 CET will cover March 30, 2025, 04:00 CEST – 06:00 CEST.
March 30, 2025:
The last Within-Day auction of the gas day will take place at 00:00 CET (instead of 01:00 CET) for the product runtime of March 30, 2025, 05:00 CEST – 06:00 CEST.
Please adjust your schedules accordingly to accommodate these changes.