September 09, 2023 • Education & Development

Finding your Ikigai ( ⽣き甲斐)

Discover the Japanese concept of Ikigai and learn how to find harmony and purpose in life by balancing passion, mission, vocation, and profession.

Finding your Ikigai ( ⽣き甲斐)
At PRISMA, we highly value the exploration of diverse methods and concepts that contribute to both our company's growth and the personal and professional development of each employee. Knowledge sharing is a fundamental aspect of our work culture. Therefore, we aim to offer insights and share relevant and exciting concepts and methods with you.





CH5_6353At our PRISMA Offsite in September 2024, Mariana Fernández introduced us to the concept of Ikigai.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines two words: "iki," which means life, and "gai," which means worth or value. It essentially translates to "a reason for being" or, to put it more simple, "a reason to get out of bed in the morning." According to the Japanese, everyone has an Ikigai; some just haven't found it yet. But how do you start the search to find your inner self?

Whether it's a quick video call during a coffee break or a leisurely lunch with family members, technology bridges the gap, bringing loved ones closer together despite physical distance. 

Five core steps to make Ikigai work:

1. Find what you love doing (your passion).
2. Find what the world needs (your mission).
3. Find out what you're good at (your vocation).
4. Find what you can be paid for (your profession).
5. Find the intersection of the four above and focus all your attention on that.

The idea is that the perfect balance or sweet spot is found where these four elements intersect. It's not necessarily about finding your ultimate passion or career, but rather finding harmony and purpose in the overlap of these areas.

This concept suggests that when what you love and what the world needs intersect, it becomes your mission. What the world needs and what you can be paid for become your vocation. When what you're paid for and what you're good at intersect, this becomes your profession. And when what you're good at and what you love intersect, this becomes your passion.

The Golden Rule: Take it slow!

Enjoy the journey to find yourself; you are not in a race, you are in a marathon. Surround yourself with positivity and the things that give you fulfilment. Follow your Ikigai, discover and unleash it, and find your reason for being!

According to the Japanese, believing in Ikigai is the secret to a long and happy life. So the next time you feel like you can's find your purpose to get out of bed or in life, try following these five steps to find your Ikigai!

At PRISMA, knowledge sharing is fundamental to our culture, so we strive to share relevant and exciting concepts and methods with you.






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